Tuesday, 21 November 2017

The most attractive places in the UK

                   Talking about the most popular places in the UK I can mention Oxford and Cambridge, Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of W.Schackspear, London with its beauties, Scotland with its famous cliffs and , nevertheless, Northen Ireland with old traditional houses.
Here you will see the attachment where you can watch a wonderful video about the most attractive places from the UK.
Firstly, it is London, the capital city of The UK and Great Britain

Secondly, I would like to mention Oxford and Cambridge, by the way, you can use this topic to describe the best Universities in the UK :)

 Thirdly, the wonderful nature can be admired in Scotland. If you are fed up with noisy dusty and crowded cities the place where you can stay in silence and just refresh your mind and breathe deep fresh air, see the gorgeous views of waterfalls and small pieces of paradise you definitely should go to the North part of the United Kingdom.

Finally, but actually, it is so difficult to say finally because describing and talking about the beauties of nature or some historical places you can without any end.
  Northen Ireland

  I hope you enjoy the topic and have enough ideas and info to write about the UK.
If you have any suggestions please contact us or write a comment I am always ready to fulfill some information.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Sport in the UK

Sport in the UK

Sport is the activity we need . It is our life our mood our lifestyle, friends, communication. 

           The world of sports is a lot like business. There's training. Competition. Wins and losses. Passion. Hard work. Shall I go on?
Just as an aspiring baseball or basketball player could find inspiration from successful business leaders, entrepreneurs can draw motivation from the world's hardest working and most dominant athletes.
With that in mind, we've collected 15 of the best quotes from legends in the world of sports. Whether you're just starting out or pushing your business to the next level, these quotes are sure to kick your motivation into high gear.

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Civilization topics :)

The education system in the UK

The education system in different countries is more attractive for us as when we start talking about Moldavian curriculum.
But actually all the system has a curriculum and all the students around the world hate the school.
         Nevermind which country we are talking about, which subjects we mention the children hate school for different reasons.
               Some students say the homework is too difficult or it is just too much, the other complain about the teachers, that some teachers are too severe the others too boring and some schools do not even have the teachers at some subjects, or moreover, the teacher of mathematics teaches physics, chemistry, and physical education or English.
             So the reasons to skip the lessons are different but the requirements are the same. The students need to study and just to be present at the lessons because anyway they will study at least 30 percent of the lesson.

 Education is compulsory and we have to follow the system :)

So what about the UK?!ᐚ


Civilization topics :)))
The most adorable task our students should accomplish.
 Here are the list and some links the students can use to improve their knowledge upon some civilization topics.
1. General description of the country. Here you should think about what country you would like to talk about. I mean English speaking country ( The UK, The USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) or maybe
2. Educational system in this English speaking country
3. Sport
4. The most attractive places to visit
5. The biggest cities and their attractions
6. The famous people from present and past. You can mention the presidents, singers, actors, actresses, politicians, writers or historical personalities.
7. Music
8. Writers and books. By the way, the majority of the fils are made following the books scenario :)
9. The newspapers and magazines
10. Natural world. The environment or geography of the country
11. Political system
12. Art. 

 (1)   So let's start with the first point. General description of the country. My lovely and I consider the true English speaking country is the UK.
 So in this video, you can easily find out the most interesting and main points about this unforgettable and worth to visit country.

 Hope you enjoy and take some notes πŸ‘±


So,  I would like to continue talking and helping you, my students, with the baccalaureate in the English language.
Today I came to an idea why we teachers insist on having an oral exam too. I guess it will be very useful and motivational for some students to study English, especially nowadays.
The majority of the students who graduate the schools enter the world where they need first of all to talk, express their opinions, ideas and needs.
Secondly, some of them are ready to find a job abroad where the first requirement is the English language and then the capability to work.
Others remain here in their native country and are looking for a good vacant place that also requires a foreign language. Just a few percent of students apply the skills of correct writing at their workplace.
So oral examination can motivate the students to study English at school.
I would like to help the students to improve their skills to pass some written exams.
Here are the links that can be used as for written so for oral examinations.
I would like to pay attention mostly to the words, YOU need to improve your vocabulary.

πŸ‘‰        http://www.englishexercises.org/buscador/buscar.asp?   nivel=any&age=0&tipo=any&contents=city#thetop
 ☝☝On the right side, you will see the topics that you are interested in.
          Moreover, there a lot of exercises where you can practise your vocabulary while fulfilling, ticking, choosing the right answer, rewriting the sentences or just listening the videos and accomplishing some tasks.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

BACalaureat ! English Language!


               As i promise i would like to continue my useful exercises for the future students who are going to pass English National exam this year!

 I would like to give you one more text today and would like to motivate you to improve your skills upon this task!
                      πŸ‘‰ https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1711/171102-home-buyers-m.pdf

☝Another useful link was discovered today by me and i guess it should be a great exercise for you my dear students. Here you can find the link to the most common synonyms and antonyms in the English language.

 I always advise my students to use English-English Dictionaries as online so offline
Hereby i attach some links, try to use them if you want to succeed in your exams :)

πŸ’Why English-English Dictionaries? First of all you improve your vocabulary, secondly, you try to guess the meaning of short simple sentences or phrases later you understand the whole story:)

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

πŸ‘€ 1. The text.
The text is the easiest part of the whole test.
You read and try to accomplish some tasks!

πŸ‘ŒHere are some examples of the texts and some exercises to train your vocabulary 


πŸ‘‰By the way the answers you will find also on the same page-
to check yourself :)πŸ‘†

πŸ‘±If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask :)

060 123 529 English Teacher

When students hear this word they are getting scared of the cameras, supervisors, tasks, teachers, school, lessons, marks and their future.
It is difficult to tell anybody about these exams that are almost decisive in our students' lives. To tell the students that they should be calm and just sure in their own abilities and just to keep their heads up and go forward. Any students nowadays have the ability and enough capability to pass these exams. The 12 years of studying is a period that leaves the marks of the hard teachers' work and it does not matter was the student writing or  reading  or listening or doing his or her homework. The most important he or she was present at the lessons, participating somehow accomplishing some easy or difficult tasks. The all are different, everybody has his own ability to get information or to remember some points from the lessons.
Anyone can pass the exams. But are you satisfied with the results? Are the teachers were teaching you in such way that you remember or understand some information?????

So long discussions are just for those who like just argue and debate these topics but i think we should act.
I propose my students to start to do something to pass these exams and to create better future even if they are going to remain or to go abroad, they should be ready for any situations.
I will help you be sure!
I am going to give you some tips to pass English or German exam easily but of course I need your effort :)