Wednesday, 11 March 2015

 Form: The 11th
 Topic     : Cinema and Films
 Time: 90 min
Teacher: Macaev Cristina
Materials:  Board, papers-copybooks, pens, pencils, things in the classroom, computer.
 By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
·         express their own opinions using the new vcabulary and  qoutations;
·         use new vocabulary to describe a movie;
·         retell a movie using specific plan;
·         make their own movie;
·         watch an english movie;
·         predict the ending  of a movie and argue their own opinion;
Warming up:
   Read the title of the topic and the quotation by B. Shaw. Brainstorm ideas.
  Make up your own qoutations using some words:  cinema, movie, viewers, boring, wise, intelligent, way, life.      Whole class
    Students get new words and try to define them.   After they have said their own definitions they get the definitions from dictionaries and compare them. They should see the deffirence between such words as “film director and film producer”. Pair work
Listen to a successful story of a simple man.
Would you ever think that you can invent a wonder from a simple tine things and change the world?-5min-writing.
 Make some sentences with new words. Guess the words using pictures
  Students try to match and complete the bubles with the words that they are given. For example:  actors- Gwen Styeffani…..
Also they should give their own examples. Another step is to guess the movie well known companies (using the pictures) and also give examples of films made by these companies. Whole class
(Students’ presentations)
Guess the types of films

  Using the given plan students try to describe their favourite or well-known movie that others should guess using the descriptions.

 Aslo they are allowed to ask questions for more details.
 Individual work. Whole class
Role playing:
  Divide students into two groups. Each group will see a short trailer of a movie. They have to make up sounds and write a script to the movie that will be shown.  Group work

 The last step of the lesson will be a watching trailers  “ Garfield”, Titanic, I robot.. The students will  watch the movie trailers and try to give their won sounds . Group work.
Homework assignment:
    Write the  moral of movie. Criticize the sounds and effects of the movie. Describe an identity story in today’s world.

   Have Fun@@@


Sunday, 1 March 2015

Cheat Cheat

But who told you that this wrong?!

 First of all cheating develop several skills like -choose the idea that you need and parathrase it; then reread the topic once again-as you know repeating is better than learning by heart :); moreover cheating some dates and afterwards develop the idea -increase your imagination and logical structure- That is cheating!

 Now -What is wrong about this?

we steal the ideas and we do not want to develop ourselves-it is criminal :)

The solutions?!

  • Give the students easy explaining topics-interesting for them

  • Do not charge them with the themes or subjects that they never will accept .

    • Make the lessons in a such way they would like to cheat and imitate you but not your papers.

    • Support them encourage them accept their own ideas and opinions but not fail the papers just because you do not like them.


One more test for Busy Teachers like me, to make  online test
I think the students from the 5th Form will appreciate it :)))

I hope the tests starts to be more not a stressful moment but just an interactive assignment that dear students have to pass-Tick the correct option :)